Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Comparative and superlative rap

Comparative and superlative, here it goes,
Superlative shows which one is the most.
Comparative compares, it doesn’t mean one is best,
It just shows how it’s different from the rest.

A noun is a person, place or thing,
And you can describe nouns with adjectives.

Adjectives are called comparative when
They help compare one thing to another thing.

For example, Gina is taller than Chris,
And her hair is longer than his.
Superlatives show which one is the most,
In a group of three or more, one is getting the award.

My red car is the fastest in the front,
Your blue car is the slowest, hurry up.
Last night, the movie was the funniest I’ve ever seen,
Out of all of us, I’m the hungriest, I need to eat.
When we compare, we use “than,” that’s T-H-A-N,
Different than “then,” that’s T-H-E-N.
When you use superlative adjectives, usually it’s with “the,”
For example, this candy’s the sweetest you will ever eat.

Comparative and superlative, here it goes,
Superlative shows which one is the most.
Comparative compares, it doesn’t mean one is best,
It just shows how it’s different from the rest.

OK, to use these adjectives, you don’t need a license,
I can show you with a story that’s the nicest.
Trisha wanted to fry up some plantains,
Because she always has tostones on the brain.
We walked to the store, the one farthest from us,
We didn’t go to the closer store, that was because
Trisha says this bodega is the nicest
In our neighborhood, with the very best prices.
It’s fancier than the one on our block,
But it’s not the fanciest, we arrived at the spot.
Plantains? There were a lot, some brown with black spots,
The most disgusting thing to me, then Trish said, “Nah, those are sweet.”
But for tostones, we need the greenest fruits,
I grabbed a plantain, and she was like, “Greener than that, dude.”
So I looked for another, and she said, “That’s better.”
Finding the right plantains takes a bit of effort.
Got distracted by a cat who was acting tough,
But my cat at home is meaner, so I called this cat’s bluff.
I let Trish pick out the most perfect bananas,
While I cuddled with the sweetest cat in all of Atlanta.

Comparative and superlative, here it goes,
Superlative shows which one is the most.
Comparative compares, it doesn’t mean one is best,
It just shows how it’s different from the rest.


  1. Profe no me aparece la canción, la que escribió en el pizarrón antes de salir de vacaciones (2:A)
    Att: Daniel alejandro chavez Perez

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